previously "untitled gabbie project"
created & directed by Matthew Antoci & Hillary Gao
featuring Isabel Ebeid, Zoé Eklund, Gabriella Gonzalez, Miranda Kang, Meaghan Robichaud, Justin Jager
photos by Jose Miranda
A light show (wigs & water). Gabbie’s been journaling, writing music, working super hard – and also just learned she’s God’s Messiah. After going public, she’s on the front-page of the Internet. California Police and a rogue fan named Nick invade her house. In the background, a crowd forms, unsure if they should look. Her race is debated, her decades-long history in the public eye is crucified… they’re meme-ing her ass to death, girl. They laugh and pity and bite back, all while Her holy book is written.
Over 300 videos from internet personality @gabbiehanna's TikTok are adapted into a Stein-meets-Spears textual score, performed by an ensemble and live-feed camera.
Produced by Honigman & Sons
Dramaturgy: Emma Sue Harris, Lizz Mangan, James La Bella
Stage Management: Eulàlia Comas
Co-Sound Design: Matthew Antoci
Media Design, Co-Sound Design: Leo Grierson
Lighting Design: Eric Bowers
Costume Design: Hannah Bird
Scenic Design: Forest Entsminger
Associate Sound Design: Emma Hasselbach
Additional Music: Kitty Richardson
Program Design: Beth Brownrigg
Wardrobe Supervision: Eva Rubin
Technical Direction: Sassy Moji
Developed with dramaturgical consultation from Adin Lenahan and movement assistance from Mars Garcia